
Why should a Video conferencing room support multiple video conferencing platforms?

By Aditya Pisupati

In this age of hybrid work, where teams are increasingly divided between remote and in-person settings, the need for multiple video conference platforms arises due to several factors:

Compatibility and Interoperability: Different organizations and individuals may have preferences or existing infrastructure that aligns with specific video conference platforms. By supporting multiple platforms, organizations can accommodate the diverse needs and preferences of their employees, clients, and partners. Compatibility and interoperability between platforms ensure seamless communication and collaboration / seamless virtual collaboration & communication across different systems.

External Collaboration: Businesses frequently collaborate with external partners, clients, or vendors who may have their preferred video conferencing platforms. Having multiple platforms allows for easy and efficient communication and collaboration with external stakeholders, eliminating the need for participants to familiarize themselves with unfamiliar tools or switch between platforms.

Feature and Functionality Variation: Video conferencing platforms often differ in terms of features, functionalities, and user experiences. While one platform may excel in screen sharing and virtual whiteboarding, another may prioritize breakout rooms or recording capabilities. By offering multiple platforms, organizations can leverage the strengths of each platform and provide employees with a broader range of tools to meet their specific collaboration needs.

Security and Compliance: Security and compliance requirements vary across industries and organizations. Some sectors, such as healthcare or finance, have stringent privacy and data protection regulations. By offering multiple video conferencing platforms, organizations can choose platforms that align with their specific security and compliance requirements, ensuring sensitive information remains protected and meets industry standards.

User Preferences and Familiarity: Employees may have personal preferences or be more comfortable with specific video conferencing platforms. Some platforms may have a steeper learning curve, and individuals who are already familiar with a particular platform may prefer to stick with it. Supporting multiple platforms caters to individual preferences and minimizes disruption or resistance to change among employees.

Scalability and Cost Considerations: Depending on the size and nature of an organization, managing a single video conferencing platform for all users may not be cost-effective or scalable. Different teams or departments within an organization may have different collaboration needs, and utilizing multiple platforms can help optimize costs and provide scalability as required.

Redundancy and Reliability: Relying solely on a single video conferencing platform may introduce a single point of failure. Technical issues or outages can disrupt communication and collaboration, impacting productivity and causing frustration. By using multiple platforms, organizations can have redundancy measures in place, allowing seamless transitions between platforms in case of disruptions or failures.

Ving Room is the most versatile room solution that offers a native and a rich experience across the most used meeting platforms such as MS Teams, Webex, Zoom, Google Meet and BlueJeans. Powered by its proprietary operating system, Ving OS, Ving Room integrates seamlessly with each of the platforms to offer a world class video conferencing experience.